Leslie Johansen Nack

Leslie Johansen Nack’s debut, Fourteen, received five indie awards, including the 2016 Finalist in Memoir at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Before she started writing, she raised two children, ran a mechanical engineering business with her husband, took care of her aging mother, and dreamed of retirement when she could write full-time. She did everything late in life, including getting her degree in English Literature from UCLA at age thirty-one, only two years after she married for the second time. She lives in sunny San Diego and enjoys sailing, hiking and reading.


Twitter: @Leslie_Nack


Have you ever experienced Imposter Syndrome?

Sure. The creative process is filled with doubt and struggles against perfectionism. It’s easy to compare myself to successful and well-known authors, which can lead me to think I’m not good enough – will never be good enough – that I’m faking it – or an imposter – when I’m not really. I must practice acceptance and it’s so hard. I know right now that I’m doing the best I can do right now. My next book will be better.

Not all books are for all readers… when you start a book and you just don’t like it, how long do you read until you bail?

Not very far. Once my mind starts wandering over and over again, and I have to force myself to focus, I put it down.

If you could create a museum exhibition, what would be the theme?

Powerful women who were successful in their own time.

What do you worry about?

The earth. Our existence. Resources.

What brings you great joy?

Watching my children find their path and passion in life.


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